Plurale Ökonomik Zürich

Plurale Ökonomik Zürich

Our Goal

We want to change economics education at the University of Zurich:

  • To make sure that the curricula is based on the three P’s of Pluralism (Pluralism of Theories, Methods and Interdisciplinary Pluralism)
  • To make room for critical discussions about underlying assumptions and normative principles
  • To change the curricula so that its content is orientated towards the economy as it exists in the real world

To reach these goals, we organise educational and social events, as well as the lecture “Plurale Ökonomik” for bachelor students every fall semester. In addition, we campaign with our allies from Rethinking Economics Switzerland for curriculum reform all across Switzerland.

If you want to join in one of our current projects or find out about our strategy, you can find them here.

Events Spring 2024

For further information please visit our instagram page @PluraleOekonZH

Past Events

Our Board


BA Sociology, Minor Economics


MA Economics, Minor Behavioral Economics


BA Sociology, Minor Economics


BA Political Science, Minor Economics
